workshop 2: shutter speed

working with the blur effects of low shutter speed

Shark on Conretefocus on still painted subject in background through window of moving car in foreground on low shutter speed

Shark on Conrete

focus on still painted subject in background through window of moving car in foreground on low shutter speed

How Words Pass Me Byshallow focus on subject in foreground, moving background blurred with low shutter speed

How Words Pass Me By

shallow focus on subject in foreground, moving background blurred with low shutter speed

Destination …words in motion blurred on still train

Destination …

words in motion blurred on still train

Everyday Must Be?subject still, others in motion, wide, high angle

Everyday Must Be?

subject still, others in motion, wide, high angle

Sound On, I Observestill subject in foreground on object in motion, window view blurred

Sound On, I Observe

still subject in foreground on object in motion, window view blurred

Grape Holds. Glassreflection of moving leaves in still window with low shutter speed

Grape Holds. Glass

reflection of moving leaves in still window with low shutter speed


workshop 3: sound editing


workshop 1: camera training